The de Burgh team

Wine quite literally fuels everything we do! We love finding it, buying it and selling it!

We started our journey in late 2013 with an empty barn, no wine and a Land Rover Defender but quickly established ourselves as one of Scotland’s leading wine merchants. Our aim has always been to offer a unique range of wines that are a true reflection of the people that made them and the land they are from. We simply sell wines that we love to drink ourselves, all delivered to you in a personal and reliable fashion.

Get in Touch
Tarquin de Burgh

Tarquin de Burgh

Almost 30 years in the wine trade, wow that’s a long time and it’s just as exciting as it was when I first dipped my toe into the trade as a van driver for Justerini & Brooks all those years ago.

When I was 23 I was told by an MD of a Royal Warranted Wine Merchant “Where ever you get to in the wine trade, MD, CEO or MW you will always be carrying a blooming box!” Pretty much 3 decades on and those words ring true today.  The boxes in question are full of wines I and all the team have bought and love to drink and know you will too.  I am blessed to work with brilliant people who really do know their onions; wine & great people is a powerful mix!

Will Nicolson

Will Nicolson

I always said I wanted a job that I loved.

As my wife will tell you, I have a very low attention span, so I needed a job that would be both interesting and enjoyable. Financially. It’s a shame that I wasn’t interested in banking during my two week work placement at RBS back in my high school days but c’est la vie! The wine bug it was and after various stints with a variety of merchants I find myself a joint owner of one. I’m a great believer in simplicity and still love the simple pleasure that wine gives. My love now is with accessible and affordable wines, Cabernet Franc, Gamay, my log burner, lesser known Bordeaux and wild accumulator bets.

Christine Nicolson

Christine Nicolson

I took a part-time job in Oddbins when I was at University, and the rest is history. The wine trade has fundamentally shaped my life in every respect, including meeting my husband Will, having some of the best adventures, and learning so many aspects of the trade. That amazing path has led me to work at de Burgh. I look after the marketing side of things at de Burgh and love being creative but enjoy the odd wine sale thrown in for old times’ sake. I am a self-confessed wine geek and really enjoy cooking – even though with two young sons, it’s not particularly exotic food these days! My favourite wines tend to be northern Italian reds, white Burgundy, and mature Bordeaux and you can’t beat a glass of bubbles on a Friday evening after a long week!

Ross McKenzie

Ross McKenzie

After studying Film and Media and Philosophy at University I made the natural progression into the wine trade. 8 years spent on the retail coal face with a UK wide company then led me to the wonderful world of de Burgh Wine Merchants. As Office and Warehouse Manager you will generally find me on the other end of the phone, or indeed your emails. Also can be found chucking boxes around in the warehouse and in turn cleaning up the mess from the breakages!

In my free time I enjoy exploring new and interesting wines, eating shellfish, watching high-quality American TV drama, swimming, and reading multi-volume biographies of major American political figures.


Fiona Holt

Fiona Holt

A unifying trait of our team seems to be a great love of good food and booze.  I am no exception! My husband and I own a beer shop ‘Beer Zoo’ and my role running the finances at de Burgh is a perfect fit.

My other passion (along with my two children of course) is music and before joining the team in 2016 I spent ten years working in finance and management for the music and arts industry.

You’ll find me listening to music while sending you cheerful invoices, eating excellent left-overs for lunch, and with a bag full of socks and toys.

Alasdair Carnie

Alasdair Carnie

Alasdair Carnie has been with us a few years now and is an important support in the office and warehouse. He is a keen ultra Marathon runner, a fluent French speaker and dabbled in the world of Cognac making for several years before settling back in Scotland to work in the Whisky industry. We were pleased he finally decided to come and join the Wine Trade. With a history like his, he fits in nicely here at de Burgh!


Tom Hyde

Tom is one of our newest and has now become one of the most integral members of the team. His extensive experience in hospitality serves him extremely well at de Burgh.

Michael McClintock

Michael McClintock

Michael is the youngest member of the de Burgh team. He can be found out in our vans delivering wine and also in the warehouse. Michael is an avid whisky man, enjoying a variety of whiskies from all around the world and is keen to learn all aspects of the drinks and hospitality industries.

Michael also enjoys trying to keep Scottish Gaelic alive and well, so you may hear an occasional madainn mhath (Good Morning) or feasgar math ( Good Afternoon) from him. He was formerly training to be a Pro wrestler, however now instead of flinging people around, Michael now flings (gently of course) around boxes of our delicious wines.

Richard Tucker

Richard is an Italian wine, German and Belgian beer enthusiast with a keen interest in cooking. 

He has a love of traveling, cars and driving, as well as outdoor pursuits. He also has a big interest in music with a regular radio show. 

Angus de Burgh

Angus is our last-minute backup warehouse support and delivery man.  At 6ft 2 he’s the tallest member of the team and no one can believe he’s actually Tarquin’s son. He’s a keen Cyclist, and annoyingly good at it too, loves to climb mountains and has melted the heart of David’s daughter at Etive Restaurant in Oban.  His go-to glass of wine for everyday quaffing is Chateau Rival Bellevue, especially in Magnum format..



Possibly the best looking of the team you will regularly find Murphy in the footwell of the defender as he hates being left at home. His main role is to keep moral up and ensure that members of the team are kept fit during his daily walks around the farm; mostly however you will find him fast asleep next to a radiator.